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How to keep the house clean: the tricks for those who live with pets

Posted by KHADI on November 12, 2021
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Having a clean, hairless home for anyone with pets is more difficult than it sounds. Four-legged friends can wreak havoc in the house at any time. However, there are several tricks to keeping a pet house clean within the four walls of the house. Here are some specific tips.

Hair on the floor, sofa and cushions

This is generally a major problem for anyone who has dogs or cats. Hair is a nuisance and a broom is not enough to really solve the problem. Ideally, constantly vacuum the floor, sofa, and cushions. Smart vacuum cleaners (robots) are a good option: they can be programmed and reach blind places in the house. For the sofa, pillows and clothes, nothing better than a handheld vacuum cleaner.

It is also essential to pay attention to the materials we buy for our home. Choose things that are easy to clean, like rugs that can be easily washed and vacuumed, for example. And there is another important detail: the more things there are in the spaces, the more things need to be cleaned.

Ventilate the house and avoid bad smells

With or without pets, opening the windows and ventilating the house is essential to change the air. The ideal is to ventilate the house a few minutes a day to avoid bad smells. If you feel that your pet leaves a very strong smell in the house, you can always light scented candles, for example.

Cleaning the paws of animals

After a walk on the street, and before entering the house, it is important to clean the paws of pets. It is a simple tip that allows you to always keep the floor clean and disinfected.

Cleaning kennels with disinfectant

If your pets have a kennel, you should clean it with suitable disinfectant products to avoid the accumulation of bacteria. In the case of cats, remember to clean the litter box and change the litter regularly to avoid bad smells.

Wash your pet’s toys, blankets and accessories

You should wash your pets’ belongings frequently. Be it the blanket, the toys and other accessories, but also the water and food bowls, which should be disinfected every day if possible.

Source : Idealista

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