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Eight Tips to Eliminate Condensation and Moisture on Windows

Posted by KHADI on November 19, 2021
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In winter, the cold outside contrasts with the warm environment of our house, and excess humidity in the windows can be a real headache. Mold, fungus, black stains, or wood decay are some of the problems that can arise. That is why it is so important to prevent and keep the house free from the phenomenon of condensation. In today’s article we leave you some tips that can help you.

Ventilate the house well

Ventilating the house daily, promoting air circulation, helps combat humidity and condensation problems. And that is why opening windows is so important to “clean” interior environments.

I opened the curtains wide

Opening curtains and blinds will allow air to circulate through the windows and prevent moisture and condensation from forming.

Maintain a constant temperature

To avoid the phenomenon of condensation, it is essential to maintain a constant and warm temperature inside. If it’s too hot, open the windows to lower the temperature. If it is too cold, it is advisable to use some type of heating.

Using dehumidifiers in multiple rooms

Dehumidifiers absorb moisture, eliminating the water vapor contained in the air, preventing condensation. They are good allies when it comes to combating this phenomenon.

Using exhaust fans

Especially in the kitchen, these types of systems are essential to eliminate water vapor, odors and heat. They are also important in the bathroom.

Avoid drying clothes inside the house

If you have no choice but to hang your clothes indoors, leave them in a well-ventilated room and open the windows, for example.

Seal gaps around doors and windows

A way to prevent the cold from entering the house and cooling the walls and windows, something that is more worrisome in winter.

Invest in good windows

Replacing windows can increase the energy efficiency of your home. In addition, it will allow you to save more money on your electricity bills at the end of the month.

Source : Idealista

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