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The Psychology Behind Cleaning: Why Tidying Up And Cleaning The House Makes Us So Happy A clean and tidy home contributes to our emotional and mental well-being

Posted by KHADI on March 26, 2021
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Tidying up and cleaning the house can make us happier. In fact, there is nothing more relaxing and satisfying than walking into an organized home, where a kind of peace and calm reigns. But have you ever wondered why this happens? According to scientific studies and psychiatrists, a clean home even contributes to our emotional and mental well-being.

AD Magazine has interviewed some experts on the psychology behind cleaning, and they all agree that a little discipline and order can work as therapy and contribute to a happier life. How?

Reduces anxiety
Swati Mittal, consulting psychiatrist for Fortis Noida and Swastik Assist Homes, says that, during the house cleaning process, in addition to burning calories, our body releases endorphins or chemicals that make us feel good. Which means that these types of activities can reduce anxiety and contribute positively to our mental health.

Increase happiness
“An orderly and organized environment affects our mental and physical state in a way that we cannot imagine. From having more time for the family to creating a life without stress, a good organization contributes to a happier life,” Gayatri Gandhi also confirms , professional organizer.

Improves concentration and performance
The feeling of living in a clean environment also increases confidence and provides a sense of satisfaction and motivation. “If our environment is in order, we will also be and perform better,” says Jinesh Shah, a psychiatrist.

Cleaning and the pandemic
Jinesh Shah recalls, in statements to the media, that the “focus on cleaning and disinfecting different surfaces during the pandemic was stressful and created anxiety in many people.” “The pandemic had a negative impact specifically on people with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) who are obsessed with cleanliness, as it aggravates their symptoms,” he says.

Even so, he leaves a piece of advice: we should never ignore cluttered spaces, unsanitary living conditions, poor personal hygiene or a listless approach to a person’s life, “as it is a clear sign of depression that requires immediate medical attention” .

Source : Idealista

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