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The power of real estate photography in the world of Home Staging

Posted by KHADI on May 5, 2023
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I don’t think anyone doubts that we live in the age of the image and the audiovisual. And that the much-touted phrase that a picture is worth a thousand words never had as much meaning or sounded as eloquent as it does today. We receive thousands of daily inputs of images everywhere: on mobile phones or small “handheld computers” that have become almost our second skin; on tablets, computers, televisions… on bus shelters, in metro and train stations, at airports… Today, the image takes precedence over any other textual element and it is what makes us fall in love or not with a product, a brand, a lifestyle…

And of course the decoration, interior design, architecture and home staging! they could not be less.

To crave and decide to buy or rent a house, a home!, it must enter our eyes and fall in love from the first moment. Scientific studies say it: 8.2 seconds are enough for us to fall in love with something or someone. The first impression is what counts! And for this reason, professional photography plays such an important role in the entire process of preparing a home to optimize its sale or rental as much as possible.

The power of the image: the crush

When one is going to move house and begins the tour of visits, who has not said that he felt a crush as soon as he entered one of them or that as soon as he arrived he saw himself already living there.

If the fundamental objective of a Home Staging project is for as many people as possible to fall in love with a home as soon as it is advertised on real estate portals: the thing is clear. A wonderful Home Staging project is useless if, in the end, it is not finished off with a wonderful photographic report made by a professional, who demonstrates and knows how to get the most out of the preparation work that has been done.

And this is said by someone who boasts of taking very good photos with her super iPhone (I’ve even taken mobile photography courses!), but I admit that nothing beats the hand, eye and camera of a true professional who is dedicated to This is called “real estate photography”, or specialized in architecture and interior design.

Binomio indisoluble

La cuestión es que contar con unas buenas fotos profesionales es algo crucial y forma un binomio indisoluble con el trabajo de Home Staging. ¿Alguien se imagina la primera comunión de un hijo o una boda sin fotos? La cantidad de tiempo y dinero invertido en preparar un gran evento y que luego no haya unas imágenes para el recuerdo que lo plasmen… ¿O diseñar y crear las mejores zapatillas deportivas del mundo y que luego no se les sacaran las mejores fotos para mostrar al público todo su potencial, enseñar lo que las diferencia de las de la competencia y anunciarlas lo más bonitas posibles para que la gente las quiera comprar, a veces, incluso, compulsivamente?

Pues en Home Staging (y en general en el ámbito de la decoración y el interiorismo) sucede lo mismo: que una cosa no tiene sentido sin la otra. De nada sirve la inversión y el tiempo dedicado a preparar una casa con mimo, a hacerla especial con el objetivo de que el mayor número de personas se enamoren de ella, si no la enseñamos y la mostramos como debería y como se merece.

Fuente : Idealista

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